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REVENGE OF THE WHITE WIDOW: 7/7 monster Samantha Lewthwaite linked to NIGERIA bombing

REVENGE OF THE WHITE WIDOW: 7/7 monster Samantha Lewthwaite linked to NIGERIA bombing

| On 15, Apr 2014


WHITE WIDOW Samantha Lewthwaite may be the terror mastermind behind a horrific attack in Nigeria today which left 71 dead and hundreds wounded.

A huge explosion ripped through a busy bus station in the country’s capital, Abuja, during the peak rush-hour this morning.

The enormous blast destroyed FORTY buses and left a sickening trail of death and destruction as fuel tanks on nearby vehicles also exploded amid the heat of the blast.

But while nobody has officially claimed responsibility, security sources fear the bombing may have been a REVENGE attack for the death of al-Shabaab terror chief Makaburi, aka Sheikh Abubakar Shariff Ahmed – Lewthwaite’s MENTOR – just two weeks ago.

nigeria bombing, nigeria bus bomb, nigeria terror attack, white widow terroristThebombing in Abuja, Nigeria has left at least 71 dead [REUTERS]

“The White Widow wanted revenge for the killing of her mentor, terror chief Sheikh Abubakar Shariff Ahmed”


Lewthwaite, the infamous widow of 7/7 bomber Germaine Lindsay, is on the run in Africa with three children.

The daughter of a British Army soldier, she is already on Interpol’s Most Wanted list in connection with SEVEN murders as well as the siege of the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya in September last year which left 67 dead and nearly 200 injured.

She was known to be ‘extremely close’ to Makaburi, who coordinated the Westgate atrocity.

white widow, samantha lewthwaite, july 7 bombings, london bombings, 7/7 terror attacksWhite Widow Samantha Lewthwaite has been on the run since January 2012 [REX]
A senior security source said agents across Africa were on high alert after the assassination of Makaburi – reportedly by the UK and US funded Kenyan Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) 14 days ago.The source said: “Makaburi was always believed to be at the very top of the hierarchy of terror organisation al-Shabaab.

“Intelligence suggests he introduced Samantha Lewthwaite to many influential figures within the al-Shabaab network. He guided her on her path to Jihad.

“His murder was seen as yet another act of war.”

The source added that Lewthwaite and her associates “wanted revenge”.

nigerian bus bombing, nigerian bombings, white widow, samantha lewthwaiteThe fireball from the bus station bombing in Nigeria destroyed 40 vehicles  [EPA]
Lewthwaite, 30, is believed to be in Nigeria, Kenya or Somalia, where Islamist terror networks are closely linked, making it far easier for her to evade detection than in Europe.The world’s most wanted woman was reportedly caught at a checkpoint in Nigeria just six months ago – but managed to bribe her way to freedom.

It is thought she commands enormous loyalty and power as a white convert, female jihadist, having proved her worth in previous attacks.

As both a mother and widow of a 7/7 bomber, she also provides the groups with invaluable propaganda.

white widow, samantha lewthwaite, white widow interpol, most wanted womanInterpol has issued a rare Red Notice for the detention of White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite  [INTERPOL]
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Local police have linked today’s bombing to the Boko Haram terrorist network, which has been threatening to attack the Nigerian capital.Last year Boko Haram boasted of’merging’ with both al-Shabaab AND Al-Qaeda to form a pan-African terror super-network.

Together, the groups control a vast, arid area known as ‘Sahelistan’ – thousands of miles of sub-Saharan land which stretches from Senegal in west Africa to Somalia in the east.

This ‘ungovernable’ terrain has become a sanctuary for Islamist militants plotting atrocities in Africa and across the world.

The commander of the U.S. military’s Africa Command General Carter Ham said the groups now share money, explosives and even train together.

He said: “Each of those three organisations is by itself a dangerous and worrisome threat.

“What really concerns me is that they are coordinating and synchronising their efforts.

“That is a real problem for us and for African security in general.”

nigeria bombing. nigeria terror attack, white widow, the white widow, samantha lewthwaiteThe White Widow has been linked to the huge blast in Nigeria earlier today [EPA]
The White Widow, who has been on the run since January 2012, got her grim nickname after husband Germaine Lindsay blew up a London Tube train in the 7/7 bombings in 2005. Fifty six people were killed and more than 700 injured.Interpol has issued a rare ‘Red Notice’ for the White Widow’s arrest.

Sahal, sahal terrorism, sahal terrorists, sahal training campSahelistan has become a haven for rogue Islamist terrorists  [GARETH DOBSON]
Lewthwaite, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, is believed to have widely used the alias ‘Natalie Webb’ and travelled on a forged South African passport. She is now officially being hunted by 190 countries and is one of the most wanted international fugitives in the world.Police seized her laptop in 2011 and found detailed plans of how to build bombs and evidence she was planning multiple terrorist attacks both in Africa and the West.

white widow, white widow samantha, samantha lewthwaite, worlds most wanted womanThe White Widow has used the alias Natalie Webb to cross borders [INTERPOL]
She has also been linked to grenade attacks at non-Muslim places of worship in Africa and a terrorist attack on western football fans watching Euro 2012 in the Jericho bar in Mombasa.Head of Interpol Ronald Noble said: “There is a global ‘tripwire’ for this fugitive.

“All 190 member countries are aware of the danger posed by this woman, not just across the region but also worldwide.”